The Constitution (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2005.

The Constitution (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2005.
An Act to amend the Constitution to provide for Kampala as the capital city of Uganda; to provide for the districts of Uganda; to provide that subject to the existence of regional governments the system of local government in Uganda shall be based on a district as a unit; to provide for the creation of regional governments as the highest political authority in the region with political, legislative, executive, administrative and cultural functions in the region and to provide for the composition and functions of the regional governments; to provide for regional assemblies for each regional government; to provide for grants for districts not forming regional governments; to replace the Fifth Schedule to provide for details relating to regional governments; to amend article 189 to recognize the functions and services of regional governments and to provide for related matters.

The Constitution (Amendment)Act, 2005

The Constitution (Amendment)Act 2005. An Act to amend the Constitution in accordance with article 261 of the Constitution: to distinguish Kampala as the capital city of Uganda and to provide for its administration and for the delineation of its boundaries; to provide for Swahili as the second official language of Uganda; to provide for the leader of the opposition in Parliament under the multiparty political system; to remove the limits on the tenure of office of the President; to create the offices of Prime Minister and Deputy Attorney General; to provide for the independence of the Auditor General and to provide for the procedure for his or her removal; to provide for the creation and functions of special courts to handle offences relating to corruption; to establish and prescribe the functions of a Leadership Code Tribunal; to provide for the control of minerals and petroleum; to provide for the holding of referenda generally; to make miscellaneous repeals to the spent provisions of the Constitution and to provide transitional provisions having regard to the amendments made in the Constitution; and for related matters.

DATE OF ASSENT: 26th September, 2005.

The Markets Act, 2023

The Markets Act, 2023. An Act to provide for the establishment, management and administration of public and private markets; to provide for categories of markets; to provide for licensing of private markets; to provide for registration of markets and vendors; to provide for determination and collection of market fees; to repeal the Markets Act, Cap. 94; and for related matters.

The Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2023

The Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2023
An Act to make supplementary appropriation out of the consolidated Fund under article 156(3) of the constitution and section 25 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2015 of a sum of four trillion, four hundred and sixteen billion, seven hundred and eighty-six million and four hundred and ninety thousand shillings, to meet additional expenditure for the first, second, third and fourth quarters of the financial year 2021/2022.

The Micro Finance Deposit-Taking Institutions (Amendment) Act 2023

The Micro Finance Deposit-Taking Institutions (Amendment) Act, 2023
An Act to amend the Micro Finance Deposit-Taking Institutions Act, 2003; to provide for Islamic banking; to provide for bancassurance; to provide for agent banking; to provide for special access to the Credit Reference Bureau by other accredited credit providers and service providers; and for related purposes.

The Law Revision (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2023

The Law Revision (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2023. An Act to provide for the repeal of specified Acts; to provide for the conversion of fines and other financial amounts in specified laws to currency points; to provide for the conversion of financial amounts expressed in Pounds in specified laws to currency points; to provide for the amendment of several laws to correct the anomalies in those laws and to effect the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court; to transfer provisions in Finance Acts to the relevant laws and to incorporate provisions on winding up in the Collective Investment Schemes Act, 2003, the Partnership Act and the Cooperative Societies Act; and for related matters.

The Museums And Monuments Act, 2023

The Museums And Monuments Act 2023. An Act to consolidate and reform the law relating to cultural and natural heritage; to strengthen the administrative structures for the effective management of cultural and natural heritage; to provide for the classification of museums; to provide for the development, management and maintenance of museums and monuments; to provide for the formalisation, control and protection of tangible and associated intangible cultural heritage and works of art collection; to repeal the Historical Monuments Act, Cap. 46 and for related matters.

The Uganda Human Organ Donation And Transplant Act 2022

The Uganda Human Organ Donation And Transplant Act 2022. An Act to provide for the regulation of the removal, storage and transplantation of human organs, tissues and cells for therapeutic purposes; to establish the Uganda Human Organ Donation and Transplant Council; to provide for the accreditation and designation of hospitals as transplant centres; to provide for the establishment and approval of human organ, tissue and cell banks; to provide for appropriate consent for purposes of human organ, tissue and cells donations and transplantation; to prohibit commercial dealings in human organs, tissues and cells; to protect the dignity and identity of every person and guarantee,
without discrimination, respect for his or her integrity and other rights and fundamental freedoms with regard to donations and transplantation of human organs, tissues and cells; to regulate the transplantation of organs, tissues and cells of human origin carried out for therapeutic purposes; to provide for a system to ensure equitable access to transplantation services to patients; to provide for traceability of organs, tissues and cells and recall procedures; to provide for offences and punitive penalties for illegal dealings in human organs, tissues and cells and for related matters.

The Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023

The Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023
An Act to prohibit any form of sexual relations between persons of the same sex; to prohibit the promotion or recognition of sexual relations between persons of the same sex; and for related matters.

The Value Added Tax (Amendment) Act 2023

The Value Added Tax (Amendment) Act, 2023. An Act to amend the Value Added Tax Act, Cap. 349 to expand the definition of electronic services; to provide for the limit on input tax to activities related to output tax being accounted for and disallow input tax credit to registered foreign supplier; to provide for declaration of value added tax on imported services by large un-registered persons and un registered government entities; to provide for ZEP-RE (PTA Reinsurance Company) as a listed institution; and for related matters.